Tuesday, 16 June 2009


Mandatory questions
1 Nick and blog title
2 Age
3 Gender
4 Education
5 Occupation
6 Place of birth and residence (eg. Zagreb, Croatia/Zagreb, Croatia)

Optional questions
1 Is this your only blog? If not, please name the others.
2 Why did you choose the form of blog? (and not web page or a traditional medium)
3 Why do you write your blog?


  1. I'll participate!

    1. 47 And Starting Over
    2. I'm 48
    3. Female
    4. Some college
    5. Controller and Realtor
    6. Portsmouth, Ohio USA

    Yes it is my only blog.

    I intended it to be a personal diary of my struggles after divorce, it just turned into something far bigger!

    I initially started writing it to vent my frustrations and feelings about being divorced and starting over with dating at the age of 47. Now that I have worked through all of that, I just write it mainly for fun.

  2. I Need a Martini, Mom
    49 years old
    B.A. and 75 credits OVER
    Elementary Teacher
    born Newport, Rhode Island Live in Pennsylvania, USA

    ONly blog.
    I blog because I love to write.

  3. Sure!

    1. Holly at What Was I Saying Again?
    2. 27
    3. Female
    4. BA-Liberal Studies, Minor-Communication
    5. Aerobic Instructor and Mommy!
    6. Born in Los Angeles, CA but currently live in Denver CO

    My main blog, tried to start another but keeping up with one is hard enough!

    Chose the blog because family all over the states could go to one place and get updates and see pictures.

    Guess I have too much to say, hence my verbal throw-up on the internet. That is why I blog!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. :-)

    1. Adinda "I Wish."
    2. 17
    3. Female
    4. Biology major
    5. unemployed
    6. Jakarta, Indonesia

    I chose to blog only because aside from the other ways of social networking (facebook, twitter, etc) this one is the perfect way to express my thoughts :-)

  6. 1. Smiles4u @ My Life Interrupted
    2. Will be 47 in a week
    3. Female
    4. High School graduate and the school of life :)
    5. Personal Care Attendant
    6. Minnesota-born here...still here

    Yes, this is my only blog. I can hardly keep up with it as of late so I cannot imagine having more then one.

    I chose to blog out of encouragement from my daughter. She knew I read blogs and enjoyed connecting with people that way, so she encouraged me to take it a step further and start my own. I was also getting encouragement from other bloggers to start my own. I started this blog to write about my journey in raising our 2 grandchildren and all the other interruptions that come into my life. Thus the name of my blog.

    I write because I have always enjoyed writing and it is one thing that keeps me connected with other people.

    Good luck with your project!

  7. 1. Lizspin from A Mom on Spin
    2. 49
    3. Female
    4. B.A. in American Studies
    5. Parish Coordinator of a Catholic Church
    6. Born in New York, NY. Live in Morristown, NJ. USA

    Yes, this is my only blog. Tried to start one for the family dog, but gave up.

    I chose a blog because I always loved to journal.

    I write because I love it. . .and it helps me view the events in my life from a perspective of humor. . .

    Good luck!

  8. Okay.
    1-Maureen IslandRoar
    4-B.S. in Nursing and Biology
    5-Writer and odd jobs
    6-Born in NJ, live in Martha's Vneyard, MA

    -This is my only blog
    -Do it because I like to write

    Good luck on your project.

  9. 1. Tenemos Las Camisas Negras (Waiting for Bruce Quillis)

    2. 18 (19 on July 11)

    3. Female

    4. One Year into a B.A. in Labor Relations

    5. Student

    6. Clifton Park, NY, but writing from Pensacola, FL and attending school in Ithaca, NY

    This is my only blog.

    I do it so I can amuse my friends while I am 1000 miles away from most of them (they are in Northeast US), and to keep in touch with my best friend Hannah (she also posts in the blog) via blogging and sharing funny stories.

  10. I'll play too:
    1. Val at YARNIGRAS!
    2. 49
    3. Female
    4. Bachelor's in Marketing with Minor in Org. Psych. Also Certified Ele Ed 1-6.
    5. Tutor through the school system
    6. Waco, Tx and Slidell La
    7. other blog is set up to show my daughter's art so she can see her prgress.
    Started one for my son too but he didn't get into it.
    8. b/c it was free and had a template
    9. started as a spring board for my artwork but morphed into a journal.

  11. 1. Breezy, Minihorse
    2. 22
    3. F
    4. B.A. in French/linguistics, art
    5. library research assistant
    6. born in Omaha, Nebraska, live in Lincoln, Nebraska

    I also have a private blog called Five Hundred Days Ago where I record my daily activities. I write for funny-little-man.blogspot.com where my family records our sitings of a short, red headed man.

    I blog because it is more convenient than other methods. I also feel like people have better access to blogs than things like zines, independent websites, etc.

    My blog is to help me record things that inspire me or make me laugh. I do it mostly for myself, but I hope other people really like it, too.

  12. Wow guys, thanks! i was getting worried i'd never get enough people... you made me sooooo happy, bless you all!

  13. 1. Name: Nick
    Blog: Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob. (R2D2 for short)
    2. Age: 23
    3. Gender: Male
    4. Education: Bachelor's degree in English/Lit with Secondary Education certification.
    5. Occupation: Writing Tutor (though searching for high school English teacher job at the moment)
    6. Place of Birth/Residence: Texas, USA


    1. Currently my only blog.
    2. I chose a blog because I was inspired by another blog of a similar theme.
    3. I write my blog as a kind of anti-critic (of the professional variety) for movie reviews. I feel most professional critics are too pompous or self-righteous, and the common viewer doesn't really share the same viewpoint. I'm not saying I have poor taste, but I understand the difference between arty and 'fun/mindless'. It's all in the purpose of a film's creation, but most critics try to hold all movies up to the same degree, which you just can't do. So anyway, I blog to give a down-to-earth review of movies, both popular and otherwise. Though I also review books and television.

  14. 1. Christine Naomi Moore, C Naomi Moore Go (A play on the books named "See Spot Run")
    2. 34
    3. Female
    4. B.A. in English Literature from California State University Long Beach
    5. Entrepreneur, Own a Tutoring Business, ... currently I work as a Bartender to pay the bills... I am in the process of joining the Peace Corps and hope to leave in September
    6. Orange County, CA

    1. This is my only blog.
    2. I chose this form because it was free, easy and well established.
    3. I write my blog as a way for my friends and family to keep up with me throughout the process of applying and serving in the Peace Corps. Also, people don't have to be members to view my site (as they do on my space or facebook), and it is easy to post comments.
    Good luck in your research and in writing your paper! I'm excited to read your final paper.

  15. 1 King Edward
    Blog title- KING OF NEW YORK HACKS
    2 40
    3 Male
    4 Some College,Former EMT,Firefighter.
    5 Wall St Daytrader by day, NYC Yellow Hack drivr at night.
    6 Born in Manhattan,New York City Lenox Hill Hospital

    Optional questions
    1 Is this your only blog? Yes it is,
    2 Why did you choose the form of blog?
    Well, I get to see a corporate world that treats me with a certain level of dignity during the day, but once I'm in my taxi, people treat me differently and I like to compare, comment on the experiences of both,accompanied by my pictures which most people enjoy as I do taking.
    3 Why do you write your blog? Well mainly becuse I like to think what I write people want to read, at least I hope they do however, I think Bukowski summed it up best in this following poem...

    Writing by Charles Bukowski in its entirety:

    often it is the only
    between you and
    no drink,
    no woman's love,
    no wealth
    match it.
    nothing can save
    it keeps the walls
    the hordes from
    closing in.
    it blasts the
    writing is the
    the kindliest
    god of all the
    writing stalks
    it knows no
    and writing
    at itself,
    at pain.
    it is the last
    the last
    what it

    but for me it also releases the demons that live inside me or the goodness that needs to find the ear it was looking for. Writing is Heaven and Hell and when we are stumped....we live in a limbo where our soul is lost until the next moment our pen begins something anew..it is almost being ...reborn. Good luck on your paper, and your bright future.

    Edward, King Of New York Hacks.

  16. 1. Domestic Goddess (in training) Love,Laughs & Lice... Stories from my life.
    2. 30.
    3. Female.
    4. Bachelors Degree, English Literature.
    5. Stay Home Mom
    6. Born Bettendorf, Iowa Live Indianapolis, Indiana. USA.

    1. Yes, only blog.
    2. Blogs are easy. Its free and its me. Don't know how to do a webpage, and no one is going to pay me to write in a paper or magazine. I have stuff to say, and I really like it when people talk back. Blogs are at my beck and call, so there is no obligation and no requirement. Its there when I want it, and ignored when I don't. Plus, I can totally bash my husband and all of the readers (except him) know exactly where I am coming from. That is priceless.
    3. I guess I already answered that. I am a former HR professional with a high power job and a purpose. I decided to chuck it all and stay home with my kids, and cleaning up play-doh and nuking fish sticks just doesn't give me that kind of self-satisfaction that I crave. I write because sometimes I feel like my head will explode if I don't get my angst out. I write because sometimes I am drowning and I need the anonymous cyber community to tell me that they've been there too, and how they got themselves back out. I write because sometimes my kids crack me up so much that I feel like the whole world should share in their hilarity. And, I write because there is nothing on tv in the afternoons.
